Friday, September 26, 2008

Lunch with my Parents

Today my parents came to Logan to take us to lunch at the Old Dutch. (Okay that isn't the only reason they came :)
Actually he had to come down and pick up his Buffalo meat in McArthur and so they called and arranged to meet us there. It was nice to get to see them anyway, we don't get to very often. Lunch was good!
Afterward I went to Shoe Show to check on some boots I had been watching for Candi, sure enough they were marked down today and I got them at half price. They are adorable, pink ankle boots and water proof. I find awesome deals there all the time.
On the way home there was a terrible wreck on Rt. 33, I sat in traffic for a long time, and then still had to turn around to go another direction, 2 cars hit head on and there were 3 deaths the last news we heard. I am saddened that tonight there are grieving families of 3 individuals that did not make it through the day, but I am thankful that once again God allowed tragedy to escape us and we are all still together and safe.

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