Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Sad Good-bye

Today we said good-bye to a friend. Jim Connolly passed away in his sleep and his funeral was today. Steve had the service, and though I was nervous for him he did a good job. Jim's wife got saved when we were pastoring in Cambridge, and the family has become dear friends. He was a Veteran of the Vietnam War where he earned a Purple Heart, a true hero. the military ceremony was so touching. Please pray for Brenda, Jimmy, Heath and Hannah and their spouses and children during this holiday season.

1 comment:

A Moment in the Life of a Mother said...

So sorry to hear of your friend's death. It's so hard to see a loved one or friend go on. Thank God for His healing grace. I was wondering how Steve is doing?? We were told that he was having some problems. I mean your father-in-law. Also, the tree starts tonight. I'm on the bottom row to the right of the director. I think you would enjoy it. Merry Christmas!!