Friday, November 14, 2008


I am so thankful for friends... For the times when I am feeling discouraged and I receive a phone call at the perfect time... Coincidence? Definitely Not. There are so many different types of friends, and I thank God for each one.
The friends that are always there to listen... and can be trusted with my deepest secrets.
The friends that are great for the carefree moments when I just need to laugh and forget the stresses of life.
The friends that just give a smile and a hug when life is pressing in.
And the friends that are kindred spirits, their values are the same... You both yearn to see God do the impossible... A Prayer Partner...
I thank God for all the friends He has placed in my life... What would I do without you? Thanks to all of you who have touched my life in some way... You are my Friend!
Luv ya,

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