Wednesday, November 5, 2008

God's Judgement on America

I believe that the election results is the beginning of God's judement on a nation that has rejected Him. I have mixed feelings today... And though I know God is still in control, I believe we are going to see some hard days ahead.
America has elected a President that is Anti-America, Anti-White, Anti-Jew, and Anti-God.

November 4, 2008 --- A Sad Day In America


A Moment in the Life of a Mother said...

I couldn't agree with you more. I worry for my children. I'm so glad that we serve a Risen Savior who has everything in control. He has not forsaken us and we can trust in Him. We may have some dark days ahead. We just have to trust in the Lord.

urhis said...

I feel as you do. I read on the computer that Obama was elected and went to bed and cried. I know God's Word says He will put in authority whom He will and we must trust Him more in these last days.